Meet the Economists
Andrea De Michelis
[email protected]
- Ph.D., Economics, University of California - Berkeley, 2003
- B.A., Economics, University of Venice, 1996
- Labor Force Participation
- Monetary Policy and Inflation Expectations
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2003 - presentEconomist
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
2007 - 2009
- Oil Prices and Consumption across Countries and U.S. States
Andrea De Michelis, Thiago Ferreira, and Matteo Iacoviello
International Journal of Central Banking (2020)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2019) - Raising an Inflation Target: The Japanese Experience with Abenomics
Andrea De Michelis and Matteo Iacoviello
European Economic Review (2016)
See also » FRB Working Paper (2016) - Productivity or Employment: Is It a Choice?
Andrea De Michelis, Marcello M. Estevao, and Beth Anne Wilson
IMF Working Papers (2013) - Productivity or Employment: Is it a Choice?
Andrea De Michelis, Marcello Estevao, and Beth Anne Wilson
International Productivity Monitor (2013) - Iceland: Challenging Times for Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Andrea De Michelis
OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2009) - Overcoming the Financial Crisis in the United States
Andrea De Michelis
OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2009) - Sand in the Wheels of the Labor Market: The Effect of Firing Costs on Employment
Andrea De Michelis
International Finance Discussion Papers (2004) - Productivity Growth, Information Technology, and Monetary Policy
David Bowman, Brian Madigan, Andrea De Michelis, Stephen D. Oliner, David L. Reifschneider, and Daniel E. Sichel
Economie internationale (2004) - Essays on the Macroeconomic Effects of Labor Market Rigidities
Andrea De Michelis
University of California, Berkeley (2003)
October 201619th DNB Annual Research Conference, Inflation in the 21st century: New policies for new challenges?
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics, an Update
June 201622nd International Conference. Computing in Economics and Finance
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
November 2015European Commission
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
May 2016Inflation Targeting Seminar of Cental Bank of Brazil
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
April 2015Bank of Japan
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
November 2014Banque de France
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
October 2014European Central Bank's Workshop on Unconventional Monetary Policy
Raising an Inflation Target: the Japanese Experience with Abenomics
September 2013CABE
Productivity or Employment: Is It a Choice?
May 2010Bank of Canada
Review of Labor Market Developments in Advanced Economies
November 2009Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Estimates of Potential Output across Advanced Economies
- The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
- Canadian Journal of Economics
- Research in Economics
Professional Affiliation
- American Economics Association