Meet the Economists
Colin J. Hottman
- Ph.D., Economics, Columbia University, 2015
- M.A., Economics, Columbia University, 2011
- B.A., Economics and Mathematics, Macalester College, 2009
- Measurement biases in conventional price indexes
- Spatial and consumer heterogeneity in exposure to international shocks
Principal Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2020 - presentSenior Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2018 - 2020Economist
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
2015 - 2018
- A Matter of Taste: Estimating Import Price Inflation across U.S. Income Groups
Colin J. Hottman and Ryan Monarch
Journal of International Economics (2020) - Distributional Consequences of Trade for U.S. Consumers: Estimating Group-Specific Import Price Inflation
Colin J. Hottman and Ryan Monarch
IFDP Notes (2018) - Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
Colin J. Hottman and Ryan Monarch
International Finance Discussion Papers (2018) - What's Driving the Recent Slump in U.S. Imports?
Mary Amiti, Tyler Bodine-Smith, Colin Hottman, and Logan Lewis
IFDP Notes (2016) - Quantifying the Sources of Firm Heterogeneity
Colin J. Hottman, Stephen J. Redding, and David E. Weinstein
Quarterly Journal of Economics (2016) - What is 'Firm Heterogeneity' in Trade Models? The Role of Quality, Scope, Markups, and Cost
Colin Hottman, Stephen J. Redding, and David E. Weinstein
NBER Working Paper Series (2014)
6/30/2022Society for Economic Dynamics 2022 Meeting
Globalization, Inflation Dynamics, and the Slope of the Phillips Curve
5/1/2022New Faces in International Economics Conference at Penn State
Discussion of "Who Pays for Protectionism? The Welfare and Substitution Effects of Tariffs" by Jaccard
10/6/2021Penn State Macro Seminar
Estimating Armington elasticities using scanner data
5/22/2020Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics Conference at Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Variety Growth and Measurement Biases in Inflation, Output, and Productivity
1/3/2020American Economic Association Meeting
Discussion of "Using Equity Market Reactions to Infer Exposure to Trade Liberalization" by Greenland, Ion, Lopresti, and Schott
11/2/2019Mid-Atlantic International Trade Workshop
Discussion of "Politicial Distortions and Infrastructure Networks in China" by Alder and Kondo
6/27/2019Society for Economic Dynamics 2019 Meeting
Exchange Rates, Product Variety, and Substitution in U.S. Scanner Data
6/11/2019Brookings Institution Productivity Measurement Initiative Conference
No Flying Cars but 140 New IPAs: Variety Growth and the Measurement of Productivity
5/17/2019Federal Reserve System Applied Micro Conference
Discussion of "What are the Price Effects of Trade?" by Jaravel and Sager
4/26/2019Washington Area International Trade Symposium (WAITS) Conference
Discussion of "Testing Stolper-Samuelson with a natural experiment" by Bernhofen, Brown, and Masuyuki
11/30/2018Mid-Atlantic International Trade Workshop
Discussion of "Robots, Tasks, and Trade" by Artuc, Bastos, and Rijkers
9/6/2018Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
7/16/2018NBER Research on Income and Wealth Summer Institute
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
6/2/2018Canadian Economics Association Meeting
Retail Markups, Misallocation, and Store Variety across U.S. Cities
4/30/2018New Faces in International Economics Conference at Penn State
Discussion of "Market Power in Input Markets" by Morlacco
4/20/2018Society of Government Economists Conference
Discussion of "Export Spillover and Destination Choice" by Hong and Wu
4/12/2018U.S. International Trade Commission
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
3/9/2018Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment Conference (F.R.E.I.T.)
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
3/8/2018Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment Conference (F.R.E.I.T.)
Discussion of "Globalization for Sale" by Blanga-Gubbay, Conconi, and Parenti
1/7/2018American Economic Association Meeting
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
1/6/2018American Economic Association Meeting
Discussion of "The Geographic Spread of a Large Devaluation" by Cravino and Levchenko
11/3/2017Empirical Investigations in International Trade (F.R.E.I.T.)
Discussion of "The Distributional Effects of Trade: Theory and Evidence from the United States" by Borusyak and Jaravel
6/12/2017Applied Micro Seminar at Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
6/2/2017Georgetown Center for Economic Research 2017 Conference
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
5/19/2017Rocky Mountain Empirical Trade Conference (F.R.E.I.T.)
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
5/20/2017Rocky Mountain Empirical Trade Conference (F.R.E.I.T.)
Discussion of "Globalization and State Capitalism: Assessing Vietnam's Accession to the WTO" by Baccini, Impullitti, and Malesky
5/19/2017Federal Reserve System Applied Micro Conference (presented by co-author)
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
4/21/2017Washington Area International Trade Symposium (WAITS) Conference
Discussion of "An Empirical Dynamic Model of Trade with Consumer Accumulation" by Piveteau
3/30/2017Federal Reserve System Conference on International Economics (presented by co-author)
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
3/28/2017Bureau of Labor Statistics
Estimating Unequal Gains across U.S. Consumers with Supplier Trade Data
3/23/2017Federal Reserve System Conference on Macroeconomics
Discussion of "Missing Growth from Creative Destruction" by Aghion, Bergeaud, Boppart, Klenow, and Li
1/7/2017American Economic Association Meeting
Discussion of "The US-Canada Border Effect: Evidence from Online Commerce" by Cowgill and Dorobantu
11/18/2016International Trade Workshop at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Discussion of "Trade Elasticities, Heterogeneity, and Optimal Tariffs" by Soderbery
9/28/2016Federal Reserve System Conference on Regional Analysis
Retail Markups, Misallocation, and Store Variety across U.S. Cities
2/22/2016ESRI Conference on Measurement and Analysis of Service Sector Growth, Tokyo Japan
Discussion of "Welfare Assessment of New Retail Formats and Entry Regulation: Evidence from Japan's Retail Industry" by Honda, Matsuura, and Mizuta
11/13/2015Urban Economics Association Meeting
Retail Markups, Misallocation, and Store Variety across U.S. Cities
11/13/2015Urban Economics Association Meeting
Discussion of "The Misallocation of Land and other Factors of Production in India" by Duranton, Ghani, Grover, and Kerr
11/4/2015International Trade Conference at Federal Reserve Board
Estimating A Flexible Elasticity Demand System with Applications to Trade Elasticities and Pass-Through
7/14/2015NBER Macroeconomics and Productivity Summer Institute (presented by co-author)
What Is `Firm Heterogeneity' in Trade Models?
2015UPenn Economics, UPenn Wharton, London School of Economics, UColorado-Boulder, UConn Ag Econ, UMass-Amherst Resource Econ, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Retail Markups, Misallocation, and Store Variety across U.S. Cities
2015Federal Reserve Board, US Census Center for Economic Studies, Federal Trade Commission, US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service
Retail Markups, Misallocation, and Store Variety across U.S. Cities
12/5/2014NBER International Trade and Investment Program Meeting
What Is `Firm Heterogeneity' in Trade Models?
11/21/2014International Trade Workshop at Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
What Is `Firm Heterogeneity' in Trade Models?
- 2009
Macalester College
David Meiselman Prize for Macroeconomic Theory or Policy
Conference Organization
6/11/2020-6/12/2020 | Federal Reserve Board
Dynamic Trade Workshop
Program Committee
5/9/2019 | Federal Reserve Board
Roundtable on Trade Policy Uncertainty
11/3/2017-11/5/2017 | Federal Reserve Board and GWU
Empirical Investigations in International Trade (F.R.E.I.T.)
Program Committee
- American Economic Review (2)
- Quarterly Journal of Economics (3)
- Econometrica (2)
- Journal of Political Economy
- Review of Economic Studies (3)
- Review of Economics and Statistics (3)
- American Economic Review: Insights
- American Economic Journals: Macroeconomics
- American Economic Journals: Microeconomics
- Journal of the European Economic Association (3)
- International Economic Review (3)
- Canadian Journal of Economics (3)
- Journal of International Economics (5)
- Scandinavian Journal of Economics
- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
- Journal of Economic Theory
- Economic Theory
- Economic Theory Bulletin
- Southern Economic Journal
- Journal of Economic Geography
- Review of Industrial Organization
- Journal of Macroeconomics
- International Journal of Central Banking
- International Journal of Production Economics
Professional Affiliation
- Special Sworn Status, U.S. Census Bureau